Kelsey Brown

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Kelsey Brown

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Get To Know Kelsey Brown


Kelsey is a Community Alchemist committed to creating spaces and places where people feel seen, heard, and a part of. She is a 500-hour registered yoga teacher, marketing expert, and community developer. Her work builds ethos-based leadership in entrepreneurship, community, and small + big businesses. She believes in humanitarian dreams, knows they are possible and helps people actualize them. She asks herself and others to practice reciprocity in all areas of life, especially sustaining Mother Earth. And she leads with curiosity, hope, and love.

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Kelsey Brown

Kelsey is a Community Alchemist committed to creating spaces and places where people feel seen, heard, and a part of. She is a 500-hour registered yoga teacher, marketing expert, and community developer. Her work builds ethos-based leadership in entrepreneurship, community, and small + big businesses. She believes in humanitarian dreams, knows they are possible and helps people actualize them. She asks herself and others to practice reciprocity in all areas of life, especially sustaining Mother Earth. And she leads with curiosity, hope, and love.


Favorite morning ritual?
Grinding my coffee beans by hand and preparing the perfect cup of joe to do with my morning movement + meditation!

What activity instantly calms you?
Meditation, movement, and breathing.

Favorite quote/piece of advice?
"Only connect." and "Don't become a victim of your own life."

Top 3 favorite books?
Braiding Sweetgrass, In Love with the World, and Big Magic.

What’s your WHY that inspires you to teach?
Uncovering who we really are inside.

What motivates and empowers you?
Connection to people, nature, and something way bigger than us.

Who are your role models and teachers?
My dad, Janet Stone, Jennifer Jarrett, Eleanor Medina,

What is your superpower or spirit animal and why?
Eagle because I can see the big picture and vision to creation.

What is your favorite part of your profession?
Connecting with humans!

What advice would you give your younger self?
Slow down and your health and the health of those around you always come first.


Kelsey is a Community Alchemist committed to creating spaces and places where people feel seen, heard, and a part of. She is a 500-hour registered yoga teacher, marketing expert, and community developer. Her work builds ethos-based leadership in entrepreneurship, community, and small + big businesses. She believes in humanitarian dreams, knows they are possible and helps people actualize them. She asks herself and others to practice reciprocity in all areas of life, especially sustaining Mother Earth. And she leads with curiosity, hope, and love.