THE SPARK: A Sensual Living Experience

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This Is An In-Person Offering
Offering Topic

Tantric Meditation

Offering Highlight

Awaken your sensuality through mindfulness practices, tantric-based exercises exercises, movement, and expertly guided workshops.

Offering Overview

If you're feeling like there's a part of self that hasn't awakened to it's full potential, THE SPARK workshop is for you. Many of us are operating from a less-conscious place on a day-to-day basis. Due to a lack of awareness around the divine feminine and masculine energies, we aren't able to easily accomplish what we desire.

Maybe you feel burnt out, uninspired, out of alignment, or reaching for something outside of yourself for satisfaction. Awaken the yang & yin energies within for a balanced, aligned, action-oriented and embodied life. Cultivate awareness around what's lying dormant inside, and SPARK into awakening different parts of you that crave nurturing and vitality.

This half-day retreat will include:
- Presentation on divine masculine & feminine energies
- Ecstatic dance to shift from the thinking mind to feeling body
- Yoga flow to stimulate the sacral and solar plexus chakras
- Guided trataka (candle) meditation
- Tantric-based breathwork
- Sensual fruit consumption
- Partner work
- Journaling
- Hot-spot coaching

Do you struggle with:
πŸ¦‹ Forcing the outcome
πŸ¦‹ Receiving support from others
πŸ¦‹ Being in integrity with your word
πŸ¦‹ Structure in your daily life
πŸ¦‹ Taking action
πŸ¦‹ Creative flow

And want to:
πŸ¦‹ Create more fluidity in your day-to-day
πŸ¦‹ Be more conscious of the duality that exists within us
πŸ¦‹ Stimulate your creativity
πŸ¦‹ Tune into your body's intuitive guidance
πŸ¦‹ Confidently take action towards your desires
πŸ¦‹ Create more structure and focus for your life's work

If any of this is you, then you'll be sure to attend THE SPARK: Half-Day Sensual Living Experience happening Sunday September 25th from 1:00pm - 5:00pm MST!

See you there!

How to Come Prepared

journal, pen

What's Provided

fruit - food meditation

What You Can Expect From This Offering
  • tantra
  • breathwork
  • sensuality
  • masculine + feminine
  • meditation
  • yoga
Cancellation Policy
Archipelago Clubs - Denver - The Attic
2345 7th Street,
Denver , CO , 80211

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Katie Tovar

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Katie is a Spiritual Success Coach & Quantum Energy Healer, RYT 200, and Certified SoulWorker. Trained through the Akhanda (whole) Shakti (feminine) lineage, she takes an integrative approach to her work with creative, intuitively guided healing modalities to explore the psyche. She is passionate about creating sacred spaces for her students to explore and cultivate deeper connectedness in the present moment.

In 2022, Katie received her Master Practitioner Certification in Neuro-Lingustic Programming (NLP). Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or Tapping), Clinical Hypnosis, TIME Technique, Parts Integration, and Life & Success Coaching. Her unique background blends subconscious reprogramming, conscious soul work, somatics, sacred ceremony, energy work, and metaphysics to create lasting transformation with ease, pleasure, and play.

She can't wait to welcome you in.